r square wiki

Inverse-square law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIt can also be mathematically expressed as: The divergence of a vector field which is the resultant of radial inverse-square law fields with respect to one or more sources is everywhere proportional to the strength of the local sources, and hence zero out...


R (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaR is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software[2][3] and data analysis.[3] Polls, surveys of data miners, a...


R - Official SiteR, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets, make many graphical displays of data from custom command line, shell has option to save one full environment per working directory. Descriptions, d...


R-TYPE - Wikipedia備考 [編集] ゲーム内のタイトルロゴの表記は、『R-TYPE』ではなく『R・TYPE』(ハイフンではなく中黒)となっている。が、この表記についてはアイレムホームページ上でも統一されておらず、現在でもどちらが公式表記かは定められていない。...


R.E.M. (gruppo musicale) - Wikipedia 我不是胖,我是骨架大!I R.E.M. sono stati un gruppo rock statunitense attivo dal 1980 al 2011.[2] Formatosi ad Athens (Georgia) il 5 aprile 1980 (data riconosciuta dalla stessa band come atto di fondazione vera e propria del gruppo, che provava assieme sotto diversi nomi già d...


R.O.D -READ OR DIE- - Wikipedia 過年期間,大魚大肉一不小心就臃腫了!『R.O.D -READ OR DIE-』(アール・オー・ディー リード・オア・ダイ)とは、2001年から2002年にかけてアニプレックスから発売されたOVA作品。全3巻。監督は舛成孝二、アニメーション制作はスタジオディーンである。...
