r type 3

Nissan Skyline GT-R - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 小心未知的去死團襲擊XD1 History of the brand 2 Versions 2.1 First generation (1969–1972) 2.2 Second generation (1973) 2.3 Third generation (1989–1994) 2.3.1 Concept 2.3.2 Production 2.3.3 Production figures 2.4 Fourth generation (1995–1998) 2.4.1 NISMO 400R 2.4.2 Production fi...


Flip-flop (electronics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 好傳神啊~1 History 2 Implementation 3 Flip-flop types 3.1 Simple set-reset latches 3.1.1 SR NOR latch 3.1.2 SR NAND latch 3.1.3 JK latch 3.2 Gated latches and conditional transparency 3.2.1 Gated SR latch 3.2.2 Gated D latch 3.2.3 Earle latch 3.3 D flip-flop 3.3.1...


BedBendersInc (K-R) - DeviantArt 請記住華盛頓在講實話時,手上正握著斧頭...Hmmmm, what to say here.... I go by K-R. I'm a 30 year old nerdy girl, who still plays her old NES games and loves to draw other girls with extreme proportions. Why? I dunno why. But it's FUN. So, maybe that's why. Oh yeah, and it's sexy. heh... Do I imag...


C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. 達文西大概是被押著畫的吧XDC. R. Laurence is the world leader, wholesale distributor to the Glazing, Industrial, Construction, Architectural, Hardware and Automotive Industries, supplying railing, windscreen, standoffs, and other supplies to major industries and manufacturers....
