Steve Jobs of Apple Dies at 56 - The New York Times《我們是真正的朋友》大S、小S及范曉萱與阿雅四姊妹合體一起遊緬甸,四人在節目中組團逛市集,泛舟看夕陽,首集播出後,兩岸三地逼近迴響熱烈,甚至有廣場大媽學起四姊妹的閨蜜拍照手勢。該節目第二集,小S要脅店員猜姐妹們的年齡,題題送命,好在店員識相,都猜27、8歲,讓四姊妹們直呼「嘴太甜!」 她們也討論到旅Steven P. Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple who helped usher in the era of personal computers and then led a cultural transformation in the way music, movies and mobile communications were experienced in the digital age, died Wednesday. He was 56. T...