MF Comparison: Modded R53 vs JCW R56 - MotoringFile台灣南北真的就差這麼多嗎? 讓我們好好來瞧一瞧~~ 誒誒講人家沒水準的鄉下人有點壞壞噢 只好再放出天龍王國地圖給你看了~ 上幾張圖都是老梗但是天龍國的王族真的就是這樣吧?! 好啦來看一張好笑一點的 是說有地虎國也要崛起啦!!! 小編南部人啦~啊我的同學真的好多民進黨耶 好啦大家不要生氣We’ve done several R53/R56 comparisons over the past year but one thing we’ve never done is tested two (almost) identically equipped MINIs back to... ... In conclusion… The R53 feels and drives more like a real Mini. The gifted child out of a troubled mar...