Rabeanco | Luxury and Fashion Leather Handbags and Accessories昨日幫我妹妹帶小孩,一個才在讀幼稚園的小女生。晚上時候小孩嚷嚷著要吃麥當勞,於是我們便出門去找麥當勞。一路上手拉著手兒,把街兒逛。走到一半時小女孩凝望遠方,若有所思的問我"舅舅.....什麼是跳蛋啊?".....我一時之間出了一身汗,猶豫到底該不該和他說明 "什麼是跳蛋"不管用什麼方式和他說,接著他RABEANCO is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. It is our promise to you that we will not sell, distribute, or rent this information to any others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. Personal Information rabea...