Horse racing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia乳牛說:這麼多人喝我們的乳汁,卻沒有人叫我們一聲"媽"。烏賊說:媽的,滿肚子墨水,居然被叫成了賊。袋鼠說:唉,沒有錢,口袋再大也還是鼠類。老鼠說:唉,成天為了點兒吃喝,又怕殺鼠藥又擔心老鼠夾,怎麼能不老。蒼蠅說:媽的,我和蜜蜂本是一家的,只是口味不同而已,待遇卻天壤之別蜈蚣說:這麼多雙腳,一輩子都買Horse racing is an equestrian sport, involving two or more jockeys riding horses over a set distance for competition. It is one of the most ancient of all sports and its basic premise - to identify which of two or more horses is the fastest over a set cou...