Urban Dictionary: on the rag 出處:Cheers雜誌143期 作者:Kevin 圖片來源:郭峻維Kevin的衣櫃像個小小的時裝秀場,圓點、格紋、條紋、亮片、拼布設計各種款式一應俱全。但最能代表Kevin個人品味的,卻是當中令人無法忽視的大量黑與白。「黑色和白色是最沒有情緒的語言,」Kevin說,難怪,從衣櫃延伸到家具、擺飾All the conventional definitions, plus a case where a mechanical device is malfunctioning for a 5 to 7 day period. See OTR and beating off ... (adjective) When a woman is "on the rag", that means she has her period. She's also likely in a bad mood because...