rage face not bad

Obama Rage Face / Not Bad | Know Your Meme到底是誰排在我前面!!!!!!!!!(亮刀)底是誰排在我前面!!!!!!!!!(亮刀)About Obama Rage Face (also known as “Not Bad” Face) is a rage comic reaction face based on a press photograph of Barack Obama wearing a sturgeon face durin ... Status Confirmed Type: Character Year 2011 Origin Reddit Tags reddit, obama, rage comics, stil...


Anger | Psychology Today  YA YA YA  紅包  我的紅包~~~ 啊....           悲劇阿!!!!You know the feeling. It's that rage you get when someone cuts you off on the highway; you just want to floor it and flip the bird. Anger is a corrosive emotion that can run off with your mental and physical health. So do you hold it in? Or do you let it ...


Face Off (Breaking Bad) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPlot After failing to kill Gus (Giancarlo Esposito) via car bomb, Walter (Bryan Cranston) removes the bomb and asks Jesse (Aaron Paul) if he knows of a place Gus frequents that does not have security cameras. Before Jesse can think of one, he is then appr...
