接力小改Mercedes-AMG GLC 43 4Matic
backup - Should I use "Raid 5 + spare" or "Raid 6"? - Super User●動力小幅提昇 ●追加MBUX系統 ●外觀造型微幅修改 ●上市日期:2020Q1 ●建議售價:未定 隨著一般版本的GLC推出了小改款車型之後(台灣尚未正式發表),AMG也開始推出高性能版本,打頭陣的車款則是GLC 43 4Matic與GLC 43 4Matic Coupe,依照小改款前的產品RAID 5 + hot spare: on equal controller hardware better performance than RAID 6 you cant lose 2 disk at the same time. when you lose a disk, there's a rebuild time (with the hot spare) in which you have no redundancy. Anything which fails in this time cre...