RaidCall-100% FREE Group Communication Software- IM, Group Communication and Voice Chat放棄我是你一生的錯,你現在也許沒感到。但是總有一天你會后悔! 你真是個大壞蛋,我現在非常非常的恨你,恨不得沖到你家去殺你! 非要真讓我生氣,罵你沒良心你才開心嗎?你真的不是普通的*貨! 他XX的,我這輩子,再說一句愛你就天打雷劈,不得好死,萬劍穿心! 就算只剩First, download and install RaidCall. Then, click on RaidCall logo and select 'Languages' to choose the language you want to switch to. After you are all set and done, restart RaidCall to use RaidCall with your preferred language....