Rain shadow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說,土撥鼠是一種很害羞的動物... 它對人十分警覺,一有人靠近,就會拍打尾巴,顫動牙齒警告人們不要靠近, 最後還會發出一聲尖叫讓周圍的小夥伴們趕緊逃跑... 然而,怕人的土撥鼠,見到下面這個小男孩時,卻是這樣的... 小男孩叫Matteo,A rain shadow is a dry area on the lee side of a mountainous area (away from the wind). The mountains block the passage of rain-producing weather systems and cast a "shadow" of dryness behind them. As shown by the diagram to the right, the incoming warm a...