ran into synonyms

Ran Synonyms, Ran Antonyms | Thesaurus.com 說到混血兒就給人許多想像,結合兩個國家特色所生出的小孩,往往具有更加深邃立體的五官,帥哥美女的機率也自然升高,這位超美的混血女孩 Katya Lischina,結合日本以及俄羅斯的父母,超萌超勾人的電眼實在讓人難以抗拒,就像是從漫畫中出來的人物般完美,重點是她今年才 21 歲喔。。。。 He said "Yes" dreamily, and she ran off towards the big house. Then Puss told the coachman where to go, and ran on before and came to some reapers. Suddenly she ran over to one of the cots and dropping there burst into tears. And she ran on and told ......


Ran into - definition of ran into by The Free Dictionary Apollo 後背包為 Matchwood 年度重點包型,一口氣釋出海軍藍、灰、卡其三種配色,本次在包款束口處與口袋蓋內面,以滿版變形蟲花布製作呈現內斂的質感,並在包身側邊縫上Matchwood首次曝光的鳥形布標使包款充滿美式Outdoor氣息,全包選用YKK原廠拉鍊,600Drun (rŭn) v. ran (răn), run, run·ning, runs v.intr. 1. a. To move swiftly on foot so that both or all feet are not on the ground during each stride. b. To retreat rapidly; flee: When they heard the police siren, they ran. c. Informal To depart; leave: Sor...


ran definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary 大約十年前,Nike 設計師 Kevin Hoffer 和 Eric Avar 集思廣益共同面對一項挑戰:創造一種既能提供柔軟緩震又具有出色反彈回應性的輕質技術。時至今日,這項名為 Nike Lunarlon 的輕質緩震科技已經被應用於跑步、籃球、滑板、女子健身、男子訓練、運動生活、棒球、網球與童Close Thesaurus The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. more /...


run into - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com 2014 迎夏日 – Tokyo 東京系列 大玩立體型格風    一直以 Superdry Scuba 系列馳名的極度乾燥手錶,夏日推出潮流人士絕對要入手的系列單品『Tokyo東京系列』,設計師運用品牌的立體字母設計出俐落的 3D 立體空間感,將錶盤設計推向更新一層的視覺體驗,Compound Forms: English Spanish to run into (to encounter by chance) toparse con v prnl + prep I ran into Marie yesterday at the mall. Ayer me topé con María en el centro comercial. tropezar con vi + prep encontrarse con v prnl + prep Ayer tropecé con Mar...


come into contact synonym | English synonyms dictionary | Reverso 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 人不愛美,天誅地滅。許多人願意花錢在調整自己的五官、身材,為的是達到心目中完美的自己。由於一般整形手術昂貴、危險性高、修復期長,近年逐漸進步的醫學美容更發展出了微整型,主要是將不甚滿意的部位稍作處理,以不動到臉部太多基礎為原則,比起一般整型動輒數十萬的價come into contact synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, see also 'come at',come by',come about',come across', Reverso dictionary, English synonym, English vocabulary ... "Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Lear...


move into another house synonym | English synonyms dictionary | Reverso7年前魏蔓剛出道時是VJ,沒多久就被周杰倫欽點在MV裡扮舞孃。周董樹大招風,媒體聞風嗅到肉味,對她秤斤論兩後,分配到宅男女神一類去。只是現在女神就像泡麵,煮上三分鐘就算太熟了。魏蔓不甘心一直賣弄性感,但要粉絲的焦點從身材移開,得先想好接下來他們眼光還可以放在哪裡?戲劇是魏蔓寄予厚望的路,從女二走到女move into another house synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, see also 'movie',motive',movement',mode', Reverso dictionary, English synonym, English vocabulary ... 5 actuate, affect, agitate, cause, excite, give rise to, im...
