Teens@Random | The Maze Runner by James Dashner 同事中有幾個人是已經結婚十年以上的,不曾聽過她們與任何朋友連絡,單位中也不見她們有較談得來的同事,也不曾參加任何社團活動,下了班就回家。她們 除了工作,就剩下老公和小孩,生活相當封閉。 有一句話:「太深必癡,太濃必執」,我雖然祝福我的同事永遠幸福,但著實也為她們捏把冷汗。友誼有如「沙漠中Click here to join the Dashner Army. Be the first to know about James Dashner events, giveaways, and more! The Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr accounts for the Maze Runner movie are now live! Click here to read the first chapter of James Dashner's new novel,...