display - Can a simple cable convert HDMI output to VGA? - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange 想當初麥莉的《 Wrecking Ball 》MV 甫一播出便因為她全身赤裸著在鏡頭前晃呀晃的而引起各界譁然。每當我們以為自己已經習慣了她的大膽作風時,卻又會再看到她的最新「作品」並倒抽一口氣,才發現,對於麥莉,我們永遠無法不感到驚奇。這次,流出的照片是她在巡迴演出後的「精彩花絮」。 這組「精彩花The "simple" HDMI to VGA cables will not work quite simply because HDMI signals are pure digital and VGA is analogue. I made the mistake of buying a very cheap cable from Amazon which did not work for reasons that are clear to me now. I am awaiting the .....