Learn about RAW, JPEG, and TIFF with the digital photography experts at Photo.net. 這不是機器貓口袋裡的神奇東東,而是類似我們頭懸樑錐刺股的效果。一旦該帽子發現你沒有微笑,並會使用小尖頭釘戳裡的後腦勺,接著你便會擺出一副完美的微笑臉,雖然這個時候是皺著眉頭忍著劇痛的。 那個好似麥克風的玩意,就是一個傳感器它能夠靈敏的感知臉頰部的肌肉,從而評測笑容的好壞Nice write up, Bob. I would just like to add that in my experience, unless you do no post-processing at all, RAW can be a lot faster. Every image, however well exposed with the correct white balance, needs some processing, if only setting the black and wh...