raw data image viewer

Fast Picture Viewer - Official Site沒有勇氣的話 千萬不要看到最後面 Color-managed, native 64-bit image viewer designed for digital photographers. Supports most digital cameras raw formats, EXIF and histogram display, industry-standard rating functions and DirectX hardware acceleration....


FastPictureViewer Codec Pack: PSD, CR2, NEF, DNG RAW codecs (and more) for Windows 8.x Desktop, Wind如果他真的要來硬的 深為堅強的女性, 你只好....   . . . . . XDDThe FastPictureViewer Codec Pack contains image decoders (codecs) that enables robust support for 45+ image formats, including RAW formats from more than 580 digital cameras in Windows Explorer, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Photo Viewer, Windows ......


Raw Images - Mars Science Laboratory 還記得那個把自己變成芭比娃娃的烏克蘭女子嗎?她最近接受了一個專訪。 GQ雜誌作家Michael Idov專程前往烏克蘭會見了個今年28歲名叫Valeria Lukyanova的真人版芭比娃娃。但以為會見到童年時代夢想中女神的Michael表示,自己見到的卻是一個整容過頭的”外星人&ldCuriosity sends back raw images for current and prior Sols based on commands sent by the mission team. The rover uses orbiters to relay back a lot of its data, and maximizes each opportunity when they pass by overhead. Curiosity stores any data not transm...


USGS Global Visualization Viewer 據外媒報導,近日,美國5歲男孩哈斯爾意外發現微軟雲端遊戲平台Xbox Live的安全漏洞(bug),無須輸入正確密碼便可進入父親的Xbox Live賬戶,父親將這一漏洞報告給了微軟。男孩獲得微軟的正式感並贈送4款遊戲,以及為期1年的Xbox Live服務作為禮物。不少網友都稱這位小男孩為史上最小的Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey URL: http://glovis.usgs.gov/index.shtml Contact Information: custserv@usgs.gov | ASTER and MODIS questions: lpdaac@usgs.gov...


Mars Rovers Spirit & Opportunity & Their Images| Exploratorium韓女星李多海近日出演新劇,宣傳照及微博自拍讓人發現又“變臉”了!李多海曾大方承認整容,稱自己以前是胖臉。現在的李多海臉又小又尖。  李多海容貌大變樣   李多海學生照   李多海出道前參加選美   李多海演《我的女孩》成名  Images from the MER rovers Spirit and Opportunity have beamed back hundreds of thousands of images! From here you can get to every image that they've sent. By clicking on the links below, you will be taken to raw directory listings of images in folders th...
