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《開箱文》傻多「RB-1842」節能多網型無線分享器&「RB-1802」高效能無線分享器 | 就是教不落 - 給你最豐富的 3C ...看到警察穿這樣,賊也傻眼吧!今天要來開箱傻多SAPIDO無線分享器的一對兄弟「RB-1842」節能多網型及「RB-1802」高效能型,這二台不論在外型或是功能幾乎是一模一樣,唯一不同的是哥哥「RB-1842」多了3G/3.5G/4G及智慧型手機的連線支援,而他們都搭配了19公分的大功率天線,還有 ......


《開箱文》傻多「RB-1732」無線空間王 | 就是教不落 - 給你最豐富的 3C 資訊、教學網站羅馬不是一天造成的之前曾經買過傻多一款1000mW高功率無線網卡AU-4622收訊真的還不錯,最近又看到一款新出的高功率無線分享器「RB-1732無線空間王」,一樣同為1000mW高功率,馬上聯想起來,這二台互相搭配起來訊號應該是爆強的,而且也支援目前所有看的到的連線方式 ......


ReBirth for iPad and iPhone麻咪!我要回家...ReBirth is Back! On your iPad! Propellerhead Software's legendary Techno Micro Composer has been reincarnated. This time around, ReBirth takes the form of a seriously block rocking iPad music app. Released in 1997 and discontinued in 2005, Propellerhead ....


Rockbox - Official Site來!玩親親......Rockbox is a free replacement firmware for digital music players. It runs on a wide range of players: Stable ports Rockbox runs well on these players, has a complete manual and is supported by the installer: Apple: iPod 1g through 5.5g, iPod Mini, iPod Na...


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