Koh Chang Thai Food Restaurant Guide 19歲的油管博主Krizz Solano,是賈斯汀比伯的粉絲,經常模仿小賈斯汀~ 別說,真有點像女版的小賈斯汀! 最近恰逢小賈斯汀到哥斯達黎加進行演唱會的時間段,Krizz Solano決定假扮成比伯,請託兒一起來場惡搞實驗。 Island View is close to Salakphet Seafood, a very large seafood restaurant which is popular with Thai visitors. Nice place, fish are all in keep nets & the crabs in tanks in the restaurant so cant get any fresher. When you go to Island View you will be dr...