BMW 全新 M5 馬力竟然可達600匹!
MS Paint Adventures新一代BMW 5 系列,自從去年問世後,最受大家注意的就是BMW 新推出的,因為這是一輛中大型豪華性能房車。而目前全新M5超過600匹馬力,0-100km/hr 的加速僅用3.6秒就可以達到,而且預計也可以達到更低。 除此之外,這台全新的BMW M5的動力,預計將採用4.4升V8雙渦輪增壓I believe I mentioned I would provide a status update in a month, and it's been about a month, so here is an update. If the question is whether I'm still on track for a 4/13 finish, the answer I think is "probably". The remaining content is a scattered ar...