機會來了!扎克伯格開84萬年薪 只招中文保姆
RealPlayer - Official Site 最近,一條來自美國硅谷的招聘信息,迅速從招聘網站Indeed一路炸鍋到了華人的朋友圈: 招聘能說中文的嬰兒保姆, 不用負責打掃,只需專心照顧寶寶。 11萬到13萬美金年薪(約合84萬人民幣), 上五天班休息五天, 包含全套醫保、牙科和眼科保健以及一切科技公司A new kind of cloud watching The easiest way to watch, save and share your videos. Backup videos from your smartphone, tablet and PC to keep them safe in your personal ... I’ve been testing RealPlayer Cloud on all these devices… I think RealPlayer Cloud i...