Canon EOS 100D/Rebel SL1 Review: Digital Photography Review鬼差把我押到奈何橋邊, 卻看到孟婆的手裡沒有湯只有一碗黑色塊狀的東西。 孟婆看出我的疑惑, 說:“冬天是湯,夏天是它,吃吧。” 我嚐了一口,嫩滑中帶點甘甜,邊吃邊問這是什麼。 孟婆答:“同樣能讓你重新開始的東西, &nReview based on a production Canon EOS 100D / Rebel SL1 running version 1.0.0 Note: We've used European (EOS 100D) and North American (Rebel SL1) versions of this camera. Most of the product photos are of the 100D version, but we'll refer to the camera .....