Koobii人氣嚴選180【達人女中-陳虹茜】- 我想當個有內涵的主持人或藝人
rebel wilson NETWORK • rebel-wilson.org • 現在就讀達人女中高二的虹茜,已經下定決心未來想往演藝圈邁進,特殊專長是模仿蠟筆小新聲音來合唱(這到底是什麼咧,想像不到啊)!小編真心覺得虹茜很有氣質(雖然有些照片看起來瘋瘋癲癲的),而且長得很像一位非常知名的學生偶像喔!小編絕對不會說出來,想知道的話就私訊粉絲團,小編會偷偷跟你說。 (以下桃紅色文USATODAY.COM – How excited was Rebel Wilson to take on a role in Kung Fu Panda 3? For her first meeting with directors Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni, Wilson whipped out a set of martial art nunchucks to show off her skills. The directors were...