rebranding example

Sample Announcements For Rolling Out a New Brand - Rebranding a Company 運動品牌 Reebok 的經典充氣鞋款 Insta Pump Fury,將在今年重新回歸,帶著20週年的強大氣勢,再度喚醒大家對於本鞋款的熱愛,一系列經典配色也重新復刻,當年錯過的朋友們20年後的今天還可以擁有。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載Occasionally, companies decide to rebrand themselves. Developing a new brand is hard enough, but once you've completed the rebranding, you need to operationalize the new brand. This sample letter to employees, announcing a new brand, may come in handy....


"Rebranding" cartoon | Tom Fishburne | Marketoonist 「我不是在穿著Dior去領獎的路上,就是在幫Dior拍廣告的路上」,這應該是珍妮佛勞倫斯去年的完美寫照。並不是只靠演技精湛,更因為她真實不造作的性格有關(相信應該對她在去年奧斯卡後台受訪時的親民氣質還記憶猶新),就是這麼獨特的女生,再度為她贏來了Dior的芳心。由大師Patric DemarcheBrand teams are quick to rebrand when they hit a rough patch. But they sometimes forget that a brand is more than a company name, logo, tagline, or ad creative. ... Here’s what jumps out at me: “RadioShack is a tale of two rebranding initiatives. In 2009,...


The 10 Most Successful Rebranding Campaigns Ever - Business Insider 來自東京的潮流店鋪atmos,除了在鞋款上的特別聯名外,在服裝上也與各國品牌合作,推出限定商品,本回與美國戶外品牌 Marmot攜手,設計出具有豐富色彩的防風外套,兼具機能性以及潮流度,特色十足。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請Rebranding a company's goals, message, and culture is hard -- many have tried and most fail. A successful campaign requires more than a revamped logo. It demands a vision that inspires customers, investors, and others to see the company in a new light. Th...


5 Steps to Rebranding Your Business - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare 運動品牌 adidas Originals Stan Smith “Oil Spill” 鞋款,靈感來自黑色黃金石油,將黑色具有反光特色的材質高調的使用於鞋面之上,閃耀出的特殊光澤就像是甲蟲般的外殼獨具特色。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請Is rebranding the right decision for your business? If you've been considering or planning to rebrand, then don't miss this presentation. We look at the pros a… ... Transcript 1. Presented by:5 Steps to Rebranding Your Business 2. What is rebranding?...


#FoodGentrification and Culinary Rebranding of Traditional Foods | Bitch Media 潮流品牌 A Bathing Ape 高級紳士支線、Mr. Bathing Ape,再次將品牌的迷彩特色延伸,於紳士感十足的西裝外套上呈現,混搭搭配起來也可以穿出潮流感的紳士風,售價日幣 ¥50,400元。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方First they came for the quinoa, then the kale. Now, collards are the next hip thing. ... There's something frankly offensive about the term 'food gentrification'. For one, it suggests devastating displacement and unaffordability, for which the author seem...


Customizing Receiver for Web | Citrix Blogs 在主辦國俄羅斯不停宣揚這是一場如何昂貴的冬季奧運時,有沒有想過辦完奧運之後的場地會是怎麼樣的呢?於1984年2月8日在前南斯拉夫城市賽拉耶佛(Sarajevo)舉行(現為波赫首都),屆時的歡樂氣氛,於1992年開始的波赫戰爭中毀於一旦。在經過30年後的今天,滑車道上的塗鴉、炸毀的觀禮台和滿是墓碑的Citrix Communities: Visit the Citrix Communities to get and share technical information and best practices about desktop delivery, datacenter, networking and cloud computing solutions. Citrix Blogs: Learn the latest from the Citrix ......
