
Recognizance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaVolvo 中大型休旅XC60 在睽違市場9年後,也在今年日內瓦車展上登場,而業者也表示最快將在今年第四季導入販售,預估入門售價將從198萬價格起跳。而Volvo XC60在改款後,預計將採SPA模組化底盤架構打造,車體鋼材更以高強度打造,讓車輛的安全性系數更提升。 除此之外,XC60 更In some common law nations, a recognizance is a conditional obligation undertaken by a person before a court. It is an obligation of record, entered into before a court or magistrate duly authorized, whereby the party bound acknowledges (recognizes) that ...


Recognizance legal definition of recognizanceHonda Fit 一直是頗受歡迎的小車車款,日本預計也將在這個月推出小改款,其測試車款也在路上被捕獲,現行的Honda Fit,是2013年在日本推出,也是第三代,這台車目前採用的是1.5升自然進氣引擎,小改款將改採1.0升i-Vtec三缸直噴渦輪增壓引擎,而這引擎將被使用在Fit RS車型,預估Recognizance A recorded obligation, entered into before a tribunal, in which an individual pledges to perform a specific act or to subscribe to a certain course of conduct. For example, an individual who owes money might enter into a recognizance whereby ...


Recognizance - definition of recognizance by The Free DictionaryMazda都會休旅CX-5首輛搭載Skyactive科技的車款,在第一代推出市場後大受好評,預估於今年陸續開賣第二代車型,而日本市場,目前已接到許多新車訂單,據悉訂單數目已經超過原廠預期的六倍以上,為滿足接下來開賣的市場,原廠決定開闢新產線。 在現行的Mazda休旅車中,CX-5已經是主力re·cog·ni·zance (rĭ-kŏg′nĭ-zəns, -kŏn′ĭ-) n. Law 1. An obligation, entered into before a judge or magistrate, to perform a particular action, such as appearing in court, without the posting of a bond: released on his own recognizance. 2. A sum of money pl...


Recognizance | Definition of Recognizance by Merriam-WebsterBMW預計將推出一款外觀更新、更大、內裝更豪華的LSUV X7,而這車的偽裝測試照在去年就已經拍到多次。X7 定位是一款大尺碼的大型LSUV,目前推出大型SUV的車型已有GLS、Audi Q7等德系競爭車款。而外媒針對這台車的新車假想圖,更是認為新車在車身放大的同時,雙腎水箱罩也被設計得更大、更豪華1: an obligation entered into on the record before a court or magistrate requiring the performance of an act (as the paying of a debt) usually under penalty of a money forfeiture; also: the sum liable to forfeiture 2: a simple personal obligation or under...


Recognizance dictionary definition | recognizance definedFord Mondeo旗艦房車自1994年第一代上市即獲選歐洲年度風雲車,而性能優異且耐久的好品質也成就了Ford Mondeo車主行駛超越百萬公里的故事,獲得廣大消費者的迴響。新一代的Ford Mondeo旗艦房車亦承襲歐洲原裝進口、動感卻饒富歐洲優雅的外型、寬敞舒適的乘坐空間、跑車車格的操控性能noun Law An obligation, entered into before a judge or magistrate, to perform a particular action, such as appearing in court, without the posting of a bond: released on his own recognizance. A sum of money pledged to assure the performance of such an act...


Own recognizance legal definition of own recognizance虛擬實境 (VR) 科技正在改變你我的生活,將來不僅電影院會有看VR電影的觀眾、醫院的病患會接受VR的治療,消費者將能夠在更多領域以虛擬實境體驗他們感興趣的產品或服務,汽車市場也不例外。Ford除了將虛擬實境科技應用於車輛設計,現在也將嘗試以虛擬實境翻轉消費者的試駕體驗。Ford全球數位體驗總監Jeown recognizance (O.R.) n. the basis for a judge allowing a person accused of a crime to be free while awaiting trial, without posting bail, on the defendant's own promise to appear and his/her reputation. The judge may consider the seriousness of the cri...
