Red imported fire ant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 我一位朋友的丈夫是一個在所有人眼裡都完美無缺的好男人,他品貌端正,能力出眾,在大公司上班,聲音低沉渾厚,風度翩翩,令人聯想到近代歐洲的紳士。一天,我和他太太聊天,她告訴我,老公的一大愛好是每逢週末就讓她給他做皮膚護理。他會按照皮膚的不同狀況——比如面部皮膚乾燥啦,生出青春痘The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), or simply RIFA, is one of over 280 species in the widespread genus Solenopsis. Although the red imported fire ant is native to South America,[2] it has become a pest in the southern United States,[2] Austral...