Red Bull BC One - Official Site 俗話說,不到北京不知道官小,不到深圳不知道錢少,不到海南不知道身體不好。那哥來告訴你,不到俄羅斯,不知道這輩子見過的美女有多麼少。 像車展上車模那樣的女孩子,這裡氾濫成災,在街上行走幾步即有三四個闖入眼簾,一米七至一米八五屬常見的身高。有天在彼得堡涅瓦大街上,就接連遇著幾個”費雯麗&lThe world’s Best Bboys compete for the ultimate title of Red Bull BC One World Champion. Head here for the the number one source of all things Bboying. ... The Road to Rome: Spinning Vinyl with DJ Nersone From playing music selections in a club, to produc...