Red Bull Soapbox Race UK - Splash Page (優活健康網記者陳承璋/綜合報導)觀察檯面上的政治人物,亦或是大型公司老闆,排排站清一色幾乎都屬男性,倘若出現女性領導人,往往顯得格外搶眼,至於為什麼男性總是擔綱社會上的要角,除了社會傳統的壓抑之外,近期一份來自美國的研究指出,這是來自「自戀」的關係! 不少男性政治人物,都有遇到排山With so many brilliant applications for this years Red Bull Soapbox Race the competition was tough and a number of entrants didn’t make the final grid. However, BP wanted to turn the fortunes of one special team, with their exclusive offer to give one of ...