他突發奇想拿著「塑膠眼睛」到處亂黏,沒想到竟然創造出10隻「蠢呆萌生物」! 6 貼到「貓貓」身上竟然
How to Download Red Hat Installation Files ▲塑膠眼睛擁有將東西瞬間萌化的功能。(source : boredpanda,下同) 大家小時候有玩過塑膠眼睛嗎?在文具店中都有販賣,通常都是被用在做美勞時使用,但你有想過如果將這些塑膠眼睛貼到日常生活中的事物上,會是怎樣的情形嗎?根據boredpanda報導,以下有10張網友將塑膠眼睛貼到生活中How to Download Red Hat Installation Files This document provides instructions on how to download and use Red Hat installation files or images, commonly known as ISOs. In most cases, these instructions can be modified and used to download the necessary .....