Red Mage - FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters, items, jobs, and more這種毅力與想變美的決心真是讓人欽佩迅猛龍也是能變小花蕾的......103.2公斤的時候在朝陽公園 99.6公斤的時候在西安 97.2公斤於加拿大卡爾加裡 91.8公斤於加拿大溫哥華 74.4公斤於加拿大溫哥華 69.6斤於北京77街 79.2公斤於加拿大布查特花園 65Job Overview Spell List See Red Mage Spell List for where to find spells as well as other... ... Red Mages (RDM) are called the Jack of All Trades by many for their abilities to cast White Magic, Black Magic, and fight with swords and daggers....