Red Wing, Minnesota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 基裏維納群島亦稱超布連群島(Trobriand Islands)和特羅布裏恩群島。位於太平洋西南部所羅門海新幾內亞島最東南邊延伸部分以北145公裏(90哩)。地勢低,均由珊瑚石灰巖構成,許多島有環礁. 就在這小小的太平洋島嶼基裏維納,遍布草屋的古老村莊裏,已經開始流傳著一個消息:卡圖馬族的女人們要Red Wing is a city in Goodhue County, Minnesota, United States, on the Mississippi River. The population was 16,459 at the 2010 census.[7] It is the county seat of Goodhue County.[8][9] Red Wing is home of Red Wing Shoes, Riedell Ice and Roller Skates and...