Shawn Kemp, Dominique Wilkins, and Sway Discuss The Reebok Pump Kamikaze II - SneakerNews.com Dcard 原文:不是不愛了,而是愛上別人了(文長兩個人交往,最後的結局大多都是 分開或是走到最後但有越來越多人分開的理由不再是不愛對方了而是變成,因為愛上別人而分開以下分享幾個故事1.A男有一個交往三年多的女朋友,雖然彼此爭吵很多但也一起走過了很多風雨,就在花大錢買昂貴禮物送女朋友的幾天後突然就Reebok‘s new Kamikaze x Pump mash-up releases this Friday, and in honor of the occasion, the vector brand turned to two of the greatest dunkers in the history of the game who just happened to champion Reebok silhouettes at different … Continue reading →...