reg dll command

Regsvr32 - Register a DLL | Windows CMD | SS64.com也可以用這個理由跟老闆請假嗎? REGSVR32. Register or unregister a DLL. Syntax REGSVR32 [/U] [/S] [/N] /I:[ CommandLine] DLL_Name. Key /u Unregister Server. /s Silent, do not display ......


Registering and unregistering .DLL files - Sophos = =" 原來寵物也可以回收!29 Jan 2014 ... DLL (or other) file. To do this, run the Windows program regsvr32 at a command prompt, or from Start | Run. Applies to the following Sophos ......


How to register DLL file in Windows using Regsvr32 command從前從前~ 7 Sep 2012 ... If you want to manually register/unregister DLL files via the Regsvr32 Command Line, you can do so. Windows PCs with Internet Explorer 3.0 or ......
