Boracay Regency • Luxury Hotel in Boracay | Official Website of Boracay Regency Beach Resort and Con 「數碼寶貝」這部經典的卡通可是許多大人小孩的共同回憶,沒想到從播出至今竟然也經過了 15 年啦!就在日前,數碼寶貝官方宣布將要製作新的系列 ─「數碼寶貝大冒險 tri Digimon Adventure tri」,消息一出立即造成轟動,不過在釋出宣傳海報之後也在粉絲間引起正反兩極的評價,原因就出在Official Website of Boracay Regency Beach Resort & Spa - Biggest Luxury triple A resort with world class KAI Regency Spa at the long beach of Boracay. ... Experience the crystal clear waters and powder-white sand of the island like never before with Borac...