regex expression tester

JavaScript Regular Expression Tester - CodeProject老師又來了! 繼上次的「美食與我」之後 我又來出賣我的學生了 既然殺錯人的事實已經造成 總是要自娛娛人一下才不會浪費 這次的作文題目是:交朋友最重要的事 之前記敘文寫的讓人噴飯 這次論說文寫的讓人... 來看看國中生覺得交朋友最重要的事是什麼吧!&nDownload source files - 8.06 Kb Introduction This handy utility program tests JavaScript Regular Expressions in a browser using JavaScript. Its interface is similar to other regular expression test tools, but unlike those tools, it tests JavaScript's impl...


Regex Tester小女孩:我可以點歌嗎?播音員:可以呀!妳想點給誰聽?小女孩:我想點給我媽媽聽播音員:好乖!妳幾歲?小女孩:我十歲播音員:十歲?!才國小三年及是吧?妳該不會是點童謠吧?小女孩:我點給媽媽聽的,不是童謠啦!播音員:那為什麼會想點給媽媽聽?小女孩:我媽媽很辛苦,星期一到星期五都要加班到很晚才回家,回到家還JavaScript regex tester. Highlights matches on the fly....


RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx一個十歲的小學生發現五年級的數學實在是他這一生中最難的功課。舉凡家教、同學、CD教學片、教科書,但都沒用。最後父母決定把孩子轉進私立小學,不是普通的私立小學,而是一所天主教學校。開學的第一天來臨了,小傢伙開始向著偉大的陌生世界冒險。那天放學回來後,他走過父母親面前,逕自回房把門關起來。辛苦工作了兩個Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, contextual help, video tutorial, reference, and searchable community patterns. ... Results update in real-time as you type. Roll over a match or expression for details. Save & share expressions with othe...


Regular Expression Library中文堂上,老師很生氣地教訓學生.老師 : 大家留意, 以後的作文, 週記, 拜託用文雅字句,不要用廣東俗話(因為是香港),沒有人明白你寫什麼東西 !!一星期後, 小明的週記這樣寫.昨天我出街玩, 正在過馬路, 沒有留意綠色行人過路燈有沒有亮著,忽然間, 有輛集裝箱車衝出來, 幸好駕駛員叔叔能急停下來Regular Expression Library provides a searchable database of regular expressions. Users can add, edit, rate, and test regular expressions. - The first Regular ......


Online Javascript Regular Expression Tester笑笑快樂又一天老婆遲了一個月 一天,老婆對老公說:Baby,我那個已經遲了一個月了,會不會是懷孕了... 老公說:親愛的,先別著急,過幾天我們去看了醫生再說。 第二天 台電的員工上門來催繳: "小姐,你已經遲了一個月了....,請趕快處理掉,不然會讓Online test regular expression, return the result in different forms and generate javascript and link to your answer ... Regex syntax flags g - global match i - ignore case m - match over multiple lines Escaping \ - special characters to literal and l...


Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester星期六早上,老王打完了高爾夫球後,突然想到忘記告訴老婆有個修理洗衣機的工人要到他們家,於是就匆忙趕回俱樂部打公共電話回家。「 喂,是誰?」電話傳來一個小女孩的聲音。 「喂,我是老爸,妳叫媽媽接一下好嗎?」「媽媽跟陳叔叔在房間裡,我去叫她。」「甚麼!哪有甚麼陳叔叔!?」老王可急了,想要知道是Rubular is a Ruby-based regular expression editor and tester. It's a handy way to test regular expressions as you write them. Rubular is an especially good fit for Ruby and Rails developers, since it uses Ruby on the server to evaluate regexes, but should...
