泰國最美人妖POY 這個我可以...
Welcome to Rei Wellness Bali - Reiwellness - Spa in Bali 泰國真的臥虎藏龍,如此的正妹怎麼能放過呢,這位傾國傾城的正妹,也參與香港電影掃毒的拍攝,性感指數破表,但"他"其實是號稱泰國最美的一位變性人 POY,POY 19 歲時贏得泰國人妖大賽 Miss Tiffany 的頭銜,但在這之前他也曾歷經許多煎熬,面對許多異樣的眼光Welcome to Rei Wellness Bali Seeking to go beyond the boundaries of the tropical spa experience, Rei is all about the journey of self awareness where radiance is ignited from within. A concise menu of treatments is focused on healthy lifestyle options to ...