Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 on Steam - Welcome to Steam遊客參觀乳膠工廠,經過奶嘴部門時,他們聽到機器先發出『嘶…』,然後再『噗』的一聲,就有一個奶嘴掉出來。技術人員一旁解釋:「當機器發出『嘶…』的響聲時,表示機器正在把乳膠灌入模子裡,最後的那聲『噗』則是機器在位奶嘴戳洞。」接著來到製作保險套的部門繼續參觀,同樣的也聽到機器發Blending action and survival horror, Resident Evil 6 promises to be the dramatic horror experience of 2013. ... When I first bought this game I hated it with a passion. It was not because the horror elements were gone – I was already used to this by Resid...