RIPPOP - Rest in Peace, Pacific Ocean Park 此前,一位17歲的重慶小哥 何琦驍在微博火過一陣! 因為這名「學霸」考上了 世界上最難考的學校——紐約大學阿布扎比分校 ,並獲得30.4萬美元 (約人民幣 200萬元)的全額獎學金 ,包括了未來4年所有的學費、伙食費、住宿費、海外旅A site with Pacific Ocean Park memories and memorabilia, including photo galleries and message board. ... While appraising my collection, I have come to realize “Pacific Ocean Park” has been a “Wienie” in my life. This term, coined by Walt Disney himself,...