Return on investment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia那天 晚上 大伙一同上陽明山夜遊後 安全帽 被別人幹走某A 於是就 急中生智 以其人之道 還至他人之身也去幹了一頂 在夜晚中閃閃散發著光輝的白色安全帽於是 在深黑的夜晚中 不見五指 以著飛快的速度邁向山下 重點來了終於邁向光亮的城市剎然間 我同學的雪白的安全帽 竟然 竟然 閃耀出7個字 瞎咪 「台北Return on investment (ROI) is the concept of an investment of some resource yielding a benefit to the investor. A high ROI means the investment gains compare favorably to investment cost. As a performance measure, ROI is ......