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全文閱讀 擁有高度知名度,身兼歌手和演員的小天后泰勒絲同時也是時尚指標,只要是她身上的行頭,必定會造成一股流行旋風 ; 敏銳的穿衣品味和歌唱事業都帶給她成功,而說到甜美鄉村風和招牌紅唇,我們一定不會忘了這位美麗的化身。這位火紅的女孩也難逃網友惡搞的命運,但是是將她配上迪士尼公主的面貌。一起來看看如果泰勒絲變Canada finance minister warns over global hunt for yield Monday, 23 Jun 2014 LONDON (Reuters) - Canada's finance minister Joe Oliver warned on Monday that investors could be mispricing risk as they hunt for better investment returns, and said policymakers...


Analysis & Opinion | Reuters小男孩為逗喜歡的女孩開心,扮成變形金剛,最後媽媽幫忙打開了翅膀,可愛爆了! The capture of Khatallah: How things went down in Libya There were three key issues: the FBI and Justice Department were determined to build a clean legal case against Khatallah to stand up in public court; diplomatic factors complicated the timetable, an...


Photographers' Blog - Analysis & Opinion | Reuters 掀背車自過去大多被認為是個性化座駕象徵,演化為市場上主流銷售車型之一,在個性化造型下,還兼具了多元功能性,深獲許多消費者青睞;而在以歐系品牌為大宗的進口掀背車市場中,MITSIBISHI LANCER SPORTBACK的引進,帶來了截然不同的東洋風情,於進口掀背車市場帶來新風潮。   By Reuters Photographers June 20 marks World Refugee Day, an occasion that draws attention to those who have been displaced around the globe. The UN reports that by the end of 2011 some 43.3 million people were displaced by conflict and persecution, and a...
