Rework: Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson, Mike Chamberlain: 9780307704511: Amazon.com: Books 雖然這些日子不斷感受到一片韓式男星崛起的強勢魅力,但看著這一連串的美男系列不斷萌芽茁壯,似乎額外想念帶點頹廢氣息的個性質男。而就在這週末得知瑛太與松田龍平二度聯手參與電影《真幌站前狂騷曲》演出之消息後,看著早期主打暖陽氣息的瑛太先生,經過一連串結婚生子幸福里程碑後,逐漸演變成粗獷型男的他,不知不覺Amazon Exclusive: Seth Godin Reviews Rework Seth Godin is the author of Linchpin , Tribes , The Dip , Purple Cow , All Marketers Are Liars , and Permission Marketing , as well as other international bestsellers. He is consistently one of the 25 most widel...