
REWORK: The new business book from 37signals. 真的好神啊~~!“Appealingly intimate, as if you’re having coffee with the authors. REWORK is not just smart and succinct but grounded in the concreteness of doing rather than hard-to-apply philosophizing. This book inspired me to trust myself in defying the status quo.”...


Rework: Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson: 9780307463746: Books   夢到從高處掉下來...Amazon Exclusive: Seth Godin Reviews Rework Seth Godin is the author of Linchpin , Tribes , The Dip , Purple Cow , All Marketers Are Liars , and Permission Marketing , as well as other international bestsellers. He is consistently one of the 25 most widel...


rework - definition of rework by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.   我知道一切都只是意外·work (r-wûrk) tr.v. re·worked, re·work·ing, re·works 1. To work over again; revise. 2. To subject to a repeated or new process. n. (r wûrk) Something reworked: just a rework of an old speech. rework (riːˈwɜːk) vb (tr) 1. to use again in altered form: t...


reWork: a regular expression workbench - Oliver Steele | About   你幹嘛用這麼萌的姿勢看著我啦!Instructions: Type a regular expression into the "pattern" field, and a string to match it against into "input". The results area updates as you type. Search Replace Multiple Split Scan Parse Graph Help Pattern: A regular expression, without surrounding c...
