RG6 and RG6U Coax Cable Differences | eHow 來源:創意門 id create-news 本文獲得微信公眾號廣告界(xiaoshoujie888) 授權 為什麼買家永遠不能超越賣家? 衣服不能拍出模特的效果怪我沒模特的身材 為什麼到嘴的吃的會縮水這麼多? 作為一個吃貨能忍嗎? 左邊你看到的 RG6 and RG6/U are types of coaxial cable. They are most commonly used to route cable television signals. RG stands for "Radio Guide," derived from the original military specifications for coaxial cables used to carry radio waves for communication. Electri...