奢華頂級超跑 Bugatti 最新傳奇Type 8 “Black Bess”車款
Digital Camera / GR DIGITAL III / Products & Solutions | Ricoh Global 奢華頂級超跑Bugatti,推出最新車款 Type 8 “Black Bess”版本,在看似膠囊的流線型外觀下,擁有1,200 PS,8升W16引擎提供從0-100公里紙需要2.6秒的驚人速度,內裝的豪華程度也是無可取代的,可以說是金字塔頂端消費者的夢幻車款。 【The new 28 mm/F1.9 lens features outstanding brightness.A convergence of sophisticated image processing capabilities and comprehensive shooting functions: GR DIGITAL III. ... Lens focal lengths described in this web site are values converted into those fo...