阮經天再度擔任 GAP 大中華區代言人 與世界級名模們同場較勁!
Ricoh GRD IV vs Sony DSC-RX100 vs Samsung EX2F - Rangefinderforum.com 金馬影帝阮經天,本次再度替美國品牌 GAP 擔任大中華區的代言人,並與一眾超模們同場較勁拍攝,當中包括世界知名的英國超模 Lily Cole、牙縫超模 Lindsey Wixson,以及兩位也是非常有特色的韓國模特兒 Hyoni Kang 以及 Park Sung Jin,而本Ricoh GRD IV vs Sony DSC-RX100 vs Samsung EX2F Sony Fixed Lens Compacts ... Well, thank you to all of you and...I am as confused as before. Maybe I should have explained something more about the possible use. I don't mind large cameras and I am ......