Am I Right - Misheard Lyrics, Song Parodies, music humor and satire 老爸其實都是認為身教重於言教 所以老爸在帶小孩的時候 都會身體力行,教育孩子這些觀念!! 像是老爸會先讓孩子知道,我們身處在一個競爭的環境中 所以,我們必須教孩子,怎麼用最短的時間創造最高的產能, &nLike my other Fall Out Boy parody, this one in it's first form was just a little too much, and it really need a redo. I'm getting emails, texts, et al about when I'm releasing some new stuff. I will get back to it, but right now I'm looking through my old...