Rimfire ammunition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia絕大部分女人在民調中對這個問題的回答,都是斬釘截鐵的否定,然而當自己親身遇到以後才發現,事情沒有那麼簡單——他當初那麼辛苦追我,怎麼可能移情別戀?我該不該找那個不要臉的女人問清楚?會不會只是一時糊塗,要不要給他一次改過的機會?人家說狗改不了吃屎,還是乾脆離婚算了?只是離婚以後Rimfire is a term used to describe a method of ignition for metallic firearm cartridges as well as the cartridges themselves. It is called rimfire because the firing pin of a gun strikes and crushes the base's rim to ignite the primer. This is in contrast...