ring - definition of ring by The Free Dictionary萬一沒有拖吊服務、又身處在偏遠郊區該如何?現行車輛皆會配置備胎或補胎劑與充氣機,只要學會如何使用,無須依靠拖吊救援也能自行脫困。 多數人都知道車輛配有備胎,但狀況發生時不知該如何使用的駕駛者也大有人在。若你的愛車上配置的是備胎,建議自系看一下這段瞭解一下操作SOP,包你有利無弊。首先,更換備胎時先將rings Chen Yibing of China at the 2008 Olympic Games Beijing, China ring 1 (rĭng) n. 1. A circular object, form, line, or arrangement. 2. A small circular band, generally made of precious metal and often set with jewels, worn on the finger. 3. A circular ...