Amazon.com: Chicken Riot - Nintendo Wii: Video Games▲為什麼大賈完敗呢!(source: 福利電影社、pinterest) 大家好,我是煞氣編。 如果全世界人類都滅絕了,只剩下你(妳)而眼前有兩位男神供你選擇法鯊跟大賈,你會選擇誰呢?腦袋沒撞壞的人都會選法鯊啊(在不考慮你的戀愛性向前),究竟為什麼呢?據福利電影社分析報導,小編It’s time to get out your good ole’ gun and save the farm. Believe it or not, you’re facing an all out chicken rebellion! If you don’t want to have your dwelling ruined, you’d better shoot the wretched hens that are running amuck. Shoot them on the ground...