rip-off Meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary 關於刺青,大家應該都會選擇深具意義的圖案或字母,甚至是情人的名字縮寫或自己狂熱的信仰。相信有人把麥當勞的收據烙印在身上嗎?這位18歲的男孩,因為友人說要給他一點『小小懲罰』就把麥當勞發票一字不漏的印在自己的手臂前側!內容包含三個起士漢堡和可口可樂等。男孩表示:『這只是因為好玩,雖然到50或60歲時rip-off meaning, definition, what is rip-off: something that is not worth what you pay for it: . Learn more. ... There are two ways of forming similes. The first is with as … as: The countryside here is as flat as a pancake. I knew Polly was scared becaus...