Routing Information Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 圖片來自:haikyo 如果要去泡湯~大家多半會選擇哪裡呢?有名氣的溫泉勝地,還是浴缸裡面有熱水就好~其實不管怎麼樣都可以啦!泡湯最主要就是放鬆壓力~只要能夠舒服的泡在水裡,啥事都不想盡情的放空~我想到哪裡泡應該都會是一樣的吧(我認為啦),不過泡湯歸泡湯,大家又是否曾經注意過窗外的景色呢?如果眼前The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is one of the oldest distance-vector routing protocols, which employs the hop count as a routing metric. RIP prevents routing loops by implementing a limit on the number of hops allowed in a path from the source to a...