2JZ改3.1L+T04Z渦輪式樣 華麗的禮服著裝JZA80 Supra
10 Real-Life People Ripped Out Of A Fantasy Story - Listverse圖片來源 web option 這輛JZA809牛魔王是車主用來使用在富士賽道的愛車,以前雖然是完全的道路版式樣,不過現在為了更好的賽道單圈,使用做了全新的手術。擔任這次改裝的是擁有豐富JZA80改裝經驗的名門「Material AUTO Factory」。 引擎部分換上了HKS的鍛造活塞與You don’t need J.K. Rowling or C.S Lewis to enter a world full of magic. You just need to walk down the street. While there aren’t any real-life fairies or trolls lurking about, planet Earth is full of crazy characters who seem like they were ripped strai...